Absolutely amazing. Magnificent, and Bravo
Somewhere along the way, while slowly panning out from quantum foam, through gamma rays, past a huge array of moons and heavenly bodies i never knew existed, flying past the pillars of creation, (my favorite mass of deadly gases and elements mostly unknown) all the way to an estimation of the known/assumed size of the entire universe and all it contains,(in Yottameters... which i didn't even know existed but apparently is ten meters to the twenty-fourth power...ridiculous )
MY HEAD EXPLODED! but honestly this had to be either a tremendous research project or the greatest compilation of notes from a college astrophysics ever. I cant express how awesome this is. i learned so much in just about 3 minutes (like noticing the apparent ineffectiveness of surgical masks to protect against viruses) . Thank you sir, Thank you
P.S if you know something that i don't, or i made an error in my facts please correct me and help me understand lol. I don't know why but this thing has affected me, just seeing it all in perspective like that is utterly mind-blowing