so good...
damn you sir, damn you and your incredible talent for pure hilarity. so good, so god damned good.
so good...
damn you sir, damn you and your incredible talent for pure hilarity. so good, so god damned good.
good the way it is.
why do people need more? think for yourself and make up your own conclusion about where he was but it was obviously like a company presentation or something. pretty cool, good animation.
i lolled
warning: incoherent sailor-babble / utter jackoffery with semi-pro comedic timing can cause laughter in conjunction with shame and disbelief but mostly shame.
wow, rediculous and hilariously timed. the voice acting was superb and the mouth movements were great. actually laughed out loud which is pretty amazing to me. hahaha... MOTHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! lol
lol hepatitis ampersand!!!
damn that wuz just a very angrily made flash. and sometimes those are funny but this... no, not really. far too short. i have no idea why this is on the front page.
guy before me obviously never played gta4
or maybe he just has no sense of humor. ANYWAY, this was fucking hilarious you addressed all the stupid fuk ups of the game and it reallyspoke to me, haha. and the dude at the end "nows my chance to come out of nowhere with a shotgun... AND BLOW THE FUCK OUTTA YA!" great shit, just perfect, you animated how i feel sometimes!
this styling really reminded me of "The end of Biters" by Prefuse 73. its a great vid u should watch and look at the similarities. also this band Mouse on mars is now one of my favorite bands. awesome work.
yea, awesome
loved it man, i needz mo'
great, kept going back and forth between moods and i thought it was pretty hilarious even thuogh i have no idea what was going on...
Join The " Other" Revolution oCatz
Age 37, Male
Manheim, PA
Joined on 4/9/03